Is it common? Is it normal?

Is it common? Is it normal? 

By Danielle D Jenkins, PsyD 

People ask me all the time if they are normal and if what they do or are going through is normal. I don't often answer that question with a clear yes or no. Well sometimes I do. Is it normal to have anxiety as a parent, yes! Normal and common! A little anxiety is very normal and actually helps you be a better parent. A lot of anxiety is common but not healthy. 

Meriam Webster defines common as occurring or appearing frequently. Webster defines normal as usual or ordinary; not strange; mentally and physically healthy. So here's the deal, maternal mental health disorders are common. Not what we could, by definition, call normal, but unfortunately extremely common.

Baby Blues 

About 80% of women experience the “baby blues,” including sadness, confusion, and crying. This usually resolves within two weeks. This makes it both common and normal. If the symptoms do not resolve within 10-14 days or...

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Release Postpartum Anxiety: “Doing” vs. “Being”

Guest Blogger, Rev. Liliana Barzola

Note from Danielle. Having Liliana write this blog post is a dream come true for me. I love this concept and yet have struggled to bring it to my new momma clients. She is so on point with “being vs. doing.” And I love that Liliana, who has been a source of strength, encouragement, and business mentoring for myself and others I know was my first guest blogger on MamaThriveVillage back in July. Read more about her at the end of the post.


Release Postpartum Anxiety: “Doing” vs. “Being”

Being a powerful, independent woman moving through the world involves a lot of “doing.” When you are growing a baby inside you, problem solving on the phone, and cooking a meal all at the same time, this is the vibration of “doing.” 

Once you give birth and enter into the postpartum zone all of that “doing” becomes “being.” Yes you “do” change diapers and...

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