Babywearing can support your transition to motherhood

By Guest Blogger Cristyn Jenkins

Babywearing is the act of carrying an infant using a simple piece of cloth or a more structured baby carrier. It isn’t a modern fad, humans have carried their young for millenia and it has played a huge role in the survival and evolution of our species.

When we are pregnant, we are bombarded with advertising campaigns. We see images and videos of new babies sleeping soundly in their mother's arms, smiling, cooing, and generally being downright adorable. The problem is, this is not what motherhood is like. We are sold a false reality and when the chaos hits we are shocked. 

People don’t often tell you that your baby will need to feed at least every 2 hours. Or that your that your baby will want to be held 24/7. And so, when they want to be held all the time, we think our babies are broken. 

It leaves many of us wondering why did no one tell me that this is normal infant behavior? Why are the big dogs on the television not...

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