Babywearing can support your transition to motherhood

By Guest Blogger Cristyn Jenkins

Babywearing is the act of carrying an infant using a simple piece of cloth or a more structured baby carrier. It isn’t a modern fad, humans have carried their young for millenia and it has played a huge role in the survival and evolution of our species.

When we are pregnant, we are bombarded with advertising campaigns. We see images and videos of new babies sleeping soundly in their mother's arms, smiling, cooing, and generally being downright adorable. The problem is, this is not what motherhood is like. We are sold a false reality and when the chaos hits we are shocked. 

People don’t often tell you that your baby will need to feed at least every 2 hours. Or that your that your baby will want to be held 24/7. And so, when they want to be held all the time, we think our babies are broken. 

It leaves many of us wondering why did no one tell me that this is normal infant behavior? Why are the big dogs on the television not telling us that our babies are genetically hardwired to act this way?  

Babies have inherent, primitive needs. These are truly need rather than wants. It is impossible for a baby to ‘manipulate’ and adult! Using a sling to carry them is the perfect way to meet these needs.

Becoming a mother can be tough going. You spend hours, maybe even days bringing your long awaited bundle of joy into this world, you are exhausted, and then you have to figure out how on earth to care for this delicate, tiny human. The mix of hormones, lack of sleep, the bleeding, the stitches, the baby who ONLY WANTS YOU; It’s the most testing time. 

Imagine there was a tool that could stop your baby crying, that could help you pick up on their feeding cues, that could protect you from Postnatal Depression. Something that gave you your hands back to make a cup of tea and a sandwich.  

When people find out I am a babywearing consultant, they might think I am biased. But, my babywearing roots run deep. I have carried both of my babies for almost 6 years combined. 

My first pregnancy was unplanned and I was a high risk for postnatal anxiety and depression. It never came to that.  

My eldest was carried frequently and as the weeks went on something magical happened. My mood was elevated. I knew when he was hungry. I could calm him and get him to sleep in record time. My confidence as a first time mother grew. I felt in control and my gosh it felt good. Babywearing helped me to grow in that confidence and heped me to feel more in control during a time many mothers feel lost.

A study carried out in 1986 discovered that babies who are carried more cry less, by 43%! Mothers were given baby carriers and instructed to carry their babies throughout their day in addition to feeding, responding to normal upset. The carried babies cried 43% less overall and 51% less during the evening. You know, the time many of us the witching hour!

When babies are kept close and their needs are swiftly responded to, it builds trust within the relationship. Humans are hardwired for connection and this is no more true than in the earliest days of life. Psychological studies have suggested that a baby who is securely attached to its caregivers will go on to form strong and stable relationships as they get older.

When we hold our babies close we are blessed by the presence of oxytocin - the love hormone that makes us feel good! Oxytocin supports the production of breastmilk and can play an important role in protecting a mum from postnatal mental health struggles. 

Oxytocin helps us make deep and meaningful connections with our babies. Oxytocin production can be triggered by close touch and also that yummy newborn scent - they smell that way for a reason!

Although babies can’t yet communicate verbally with us, they find other ways to let us know they need something. Early feeding cues are more likely to be picked up on when a baby is carried in a sling as they are closer to their caregiver. Picking up on these early cues can also massively boost a parents self-confidence.

Many mothers will tell you that their baby carrier has become a valuable parenting tool they have become totally reliant on. It can shape your entire outlook on parenting and help you align with your parenting intuition. Babywearing changed my life in so many ways. It helped me become the parent I wanted to be, brought me confidence, and a support network I will be eternally grateful for.

We cannot deny the fact that the transition to motherhood is tough. I strongly believe is if we teach mothers what is normal and give them the necessary tools and support then they can find their flow quicker and become the confident and fulfilled parent they hoped to be.

Cristyn is a Certified Babywearing Consultant who has completed training courses with the School of Babywearing and Slingababy both based in the UK. Cristyn now lives with her family in Ibiza where she runs a weekly parenting support group and sling lending library. Cristyn teaches babywearing to new mothers online via interactive workshops and through her free downloadables on her website -


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